Ready for your journey towards Optimal Health?
Book a free 15-minute chat to learn more.
To let age be irrelevant! To empower clients through education, inspiration, and a distinct set of tools, to reach optimal health and vitality. This is accomplished with a personalized wellness plan based on the client’s unique needs and lifestyle, thereby enabling them to be the best version of themselves.
Are you exhausted and overwhelmed?
Do you want to recapture the fitness, energy, and vitality of your youth?
Are you a middle-aged athlete who thinks age related decline is inevitable?
Have you been told your symptoms are “normal for your age", or “everything looks fine,” but you believe otherwise?
Do you struggle to sleep?
Are you wrestling with menopause or fear its approach?
Have you been offered medications for disease management, but want alternatives?
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Imagine having someone spend an hour discussing your health challenges and listening to your goals.
Imagine being educated with the most effective tools, feeling supported and empowered to make a change, and inspired to follow through for lasting results?
Imagine having a customized plan developed not only just for you, but one that deeply resonates with you.
This is the approach I will take with YOU!
I am Board Certified in Functional Medicine.
I combine a functional medicine approach with my background in Nutrition and 20+ years of experience as a Healthcare Provider and Sponsored Athlete.
I also blend in my knowledge from 9+ years of working in the Anti-Aging and Biohacking Industries.
So what are you waiting for?
What is Optimal Health Functional Medicine?
It is personalized, science-based healthcare that uncovers the underlying cause of dysfunction and dis-ease in the body. It confronts aging head on, with tools to slow its effects.
It is a customized approach that views the body as an integrated system. I create a tailored program to re-balance and repair the body to restore health and vitality. I look at diet and lifestyle choices made yesterday, that contribute to your unique health presentation today.
Functional medicine is the glue that binds all aspects of your health together. I am not looking to replace your doctor. I am looking to help them be more effective. I am a specialist offering an adjunctive approach. I will help you implement habits and behaviors that support your body for sustainable health and healing.
I will look at your situation differently than it has been looked at before. I see it through the lease and the belief of……
“Let Age Be Irrelevant!”
How Functional Medicine Differs from and Supports Conventional Medicine:
Conventional medicine tends to say you are “fine,” right up until the moment you aren’t, and then you are diagnosed with a disease. At this point, a medication is usually prescribed to treat the symptoms. Usually, no time is spent investigating upstream root causes for potential reversal.
At Optimal Health Functional Medicine I look at labs much more critically, striving for optimal ranges. I looks for patterns and trends over time, with the goal to implement changes BEFORE overt disease occurs and to move TOWARDS Optimal Health. I may also utilize functional tests. I strive to Maximize what is needed for your unique body, Minimize what is harmful, and Prioritize a healing environment.
I prefer a collaborative approach with your current doctor(s) if possible, so we are all on the same page, with YOU and YOUR GOALS as the focus.
Why Work With Me?
Because you will work with a:
Board Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Practitioner trained in the Functional Medicine sciences to include functional physiology, biochemistry, disease etiology, lab-work, nutrition, supplementation, and evidence-based intervention.
Nutritionist with a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences
Healthcare practitioner for 20+ years with a proven track record.
I will provide a personalized 1:1 customized program tailored just for YOU so you can Get Well and Stay Well!
I am no different than you! I too am on a quest for Optimal Health and realize the decisions that need to be made aren’t always easy. I am realistic in my recommendations.
Are you ready for your journey towards Optimal Health?
Let’s get started…
Book a free 15-minute chat today!