Adrenal Fatigue
Have you yelled at a child, a friend, a co-worker, or a neighbor, and afterwards been ashamed that it happened, as it wasn’t really that important?
Does it keep happening, and you don’t know why?
Do you alternate between feelings of sluggishness and panic?
These can be a signs of compromised adrenals.
Chronic, debilitating stress is epidemic. With chronic stress, the adrenals can get out of balance.
Initially stress triggers the release of Cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These keep us in fight or flight mode. Cortisol is very good at modulating itself for an appropriate reaction. A small stressor produces a little Cortisol. A moderate stressor produces more.
If this stress is unabated, and becomes chronic, it eventually leads to depressed Cortisol levels, as a way of protecting your body.
When you are chronically stressed and your body has run out of available Cortisol, it switches to adrenalin. This is basically an all or nothing switch. It’s like turning on a fire hose or shutting it completely off. This can lead to the above scenario of overreacting. A switch will flip on anger, irritability, or panic, followed by sluggishness and wondering why you reacted that way.
The answer doesn’t lie in getting mad at yourself and just trying to do better. It is a physiological change in the body due to lifestyle choices that you have made over and over again. A long-term solution lies in making some lifestyle changes to heal your body, along with potential triage supplements for support.
Other signs of adrenal dysregulation are: fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, tired and wired, racing heart, lethargy, low motivation, and on and on………..
I specialize in helping people avoid this, and in digging themselves out of this hole, if they have found themselves there.