Nutrition Support Following a Concussion.
Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Mitochondria.
I have been an ImPACT concussion specialist for 6 years. I recently was the opening speaker at a Trauma and Critical Care Conference about what to do following a concussion to allow your brain to recover and heal. Much of what I discussed was from a musculoskeletal, vestibular, visual, and physical exertion standpoint. But there is so much more to it.
Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). Nothing will show up on imaging. It is a metabolic crisis of the brain. In that regard, there are three main things happening that need to be mitigated for recovery: inflammation, oxidative stress, and damage to mitochondria. Let me explain.
As with any injury, inflammation is initially helpful to trigger a healing response. But it can often get stalled out. This is not only NOT helpful but is detrimental to healing. There is significant research out there that Omega 3’s, specifically DHA and EPA, are neuroprotective and fight neuroinflammation. But quality is CRITICAL. Why? Because many Omegas are rancid, leading to higher levels of oxidative stress. Which brings me to the next issue.
Oxidative stress is like the rusting of an engine. It is cell damage. It’s the underlying root cause of most disease processes and aging itself. Unfortunately, the brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress because brain cells require a substantial amount of oxygen. Oxidative stress, along with inflammation, can damage neurons and lead to neurodegenerative diseases. Not sure what those are? Think Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s to name a couple. Again, there is significant research showing increased levels of oxidative stress in the brain following a concussion. The Nrf2 pathway in the body is responsible for balancing oxidative stress and inflammation. It also produces Glutathione, arguably one of the most important antioxidants that the body makes. Nrf2 activation can flip this switch to upregulate this pathway during healing and increase the body’s own production of glutathione. Don’t know how? Ask. Anda gain, quality matters.
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of ALL our cells. They produce ENERGY. I already said that concussions are an energy crisis. Research shows a decrease in mitochondria following concussions. There is a high level of mitochondria in the brain, as these cells require a lot of energy. Mitochondria are also very susceptible to oxidative stress. The Nrf1 pathway in the body is responsible for mitochondria production and their health and vitality. Once again, we can flip this switch to upregulate this pathway during healing. Again, don’t know how? Ask. And….quality matters.
Much can be done from a nutritional standpoint following a concussion. But the above three are arguably the most powerful options. Quality matters. Period. Full stop. Looking for recommendations. Please ask me. In the meantime, take care of your brain. It’s the only one you are going to get.