Shedding Those Unwanted Pounds:
It’s not as simple as you may think:
Losing weight is not as easy as it seems. I hear you. I understand you. You are right!
An imbalance in our body’s hormones can wreak havoc on weight loss. So, who are the common culprits?
Insulin Resistance
Estrogen Dominance
Cortisol Imbalance
Insulin Resistance: When one eats an excess of refined carbohydrates and sugar, the body’s glucose levels go up. The body then makes a lot of insulin to stash the sugar into our cells. Over time, the cells say STPOP. No more sugar! They begin to resist the effects of insulin. Our blood sugar starts to rise again. The body wants this excess sugar out of the blood stream. So, it gets stored as fat.
Hypothyroid: Hypothyroid states lower your metabolic rate and potentiate fat storage and the inability to lose weight.
Estrogen Dominance: Estrogen prepares and promotes the body for cell growth. It potentiates calorie conservation and calories storage, and it prefers high-energy foods, such as sweets. Estrogen is an important and vital hormone. However, we need balance between our sex hormones. Here are the kickers: Women start to decrease their production of progesterone 10 years prior to menopause, often leading to Estrogen dominance. The other kicker: many environmental toxins are Xenoestrogens, or Estrogen mimickers. This once again facilitates estrogen dominance.
Cortisol Imbalance: High levels of cortisol occur when the body thinks it is under attack. And in today’s world this often occurs when we put our bodies through constant low-grade stress. During this dynamic, the body is trying to survive. It sees fat stores as a fuel source for survival and has no interest in getting rid of it.
So once again: Losing weight is not as easy as it seems. I hear you. I understand you. You are right!
And if you are successful at shedding those unwanted pounds, you are undoubtably mobilizing toxins into circulation in your body. This can make you feel awful. I always recommend that a client utilizes a binder while losing weight. This will help to mop up those toxins and escort them out of the body.
If you are starting to think it is complicated and not just a battle of your will, you are right! Reach out to me. Let’s find out what is going on in YOUR body and get you on the right track to shed those unwanted pounds.