Maximize, Minimize, Prioritize
Maximize, Minimize, and Prioritize are the three main pillars of Functional Medicine. The goals are to:
Maximize what the body needs most.
Minimize what is harmful.
Prioritize what is needed for a healing environment.
What to Maximize:
*Raw materials your body needs to function and heal
*Oxygen, Water, Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Protein, Healthy Fats, Carbs
*Belief that the therapy one is choosing is effective and safe
What to Minimize:
*Take out what is harmful
*Toxins, Infections, Allergens, Stress, Trauma
*Limiting Beliefs, Fear, Negative Expectations
What to Prioritize:
*Create an Environment for Healing
*Sleep, Rest, Laughter, Stress Reduction
*Exercise, Stretching, Breathing
*Meaningful Relationships
*Positive Visualizations and Associations